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Pediatric Wellness

Sharda Yoga Center

“Do not ask your children to strive for extraordinary lives. Such striving may seem admirable, but it is the way of foolishness. Help them instead to find the wonder and the marvel of an ordinary life. Show them the joy of tasting tomatoes, apples and pears. Show them how to cry when pets and people die. Show them the infinite pleasure in the touch of a hand. And make the ordinary come alive for them. The extraordinary will take care of itself.”

By: Nina Ruud

Let’s face it, being a kid can be tough. Social expectations, good grades, and competition are heavy! Add an illness, neglect or trauma, and life can be straight-up devastating. Anxiety, depression, insomnia, even suicide are on the rise in our youth today. These issues are often treated with medication, isolation, and punishment, deepening the child’s struggle.

Last March I had the privilege of attending the Pediatric Massage Therapy Certification course through Tina Allen’s Liddle Kidz Foundation. This training is reserved for healthcare workers already licensed to touch, and focuses on the psychological, social, and physiological aspects of massage for young people. Ms. Allen travels all over the world to share her experience and educate providers in the invaluable field of pediatric touch.

It does not cure disease, however research and testimonies show frequent massage sessions can provide relief of many symptoms as well as side effects of treatment methods, including chemotherapy.

Benefits of Pediatric Massage:

-Reduces anxiety

-Improves immune function

-Stimulates brain function and development

-Promotes body awareness and boundaries

-Relieves indigestion

-Promotes better sleep

-Reduces hyperactivity

-Increases nutrient absorption and weight-gain in infants

-Lightens feelings of depression

In conclusion, massage is not just for adults. Touch is human nature, and for optimal health, it’s required. Children deserve the option of appropriate therapeutic touch from a trusted family member or professional healthcare provider. Empower your children to be aware of there bodies and to take care of them. The child must always give permission, and a parent/legal guardian must always be present.

If you are a parent interested in scheduling an in-home pediatric session, please email me at for more information.

Information on Tina Allen and The Liddle Kidz Foundation can be found online at Ms. Allen is a pioneer in pediatric massage. Her dedication and professionalism have implemented numerous programs in medical facilities across the globe. Her impact continues through her teachings and global outreach programs. Thank you Ms. Allen for paving the way!

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